Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class

A father holds his newborn baby skin to skin and give the baby a kiss on the head after a home birth.

Former students say...

"The childbirth education class was extremely informative! It taught us many different comfort measures that we could utilize and took a lot of my fears away."

“I loved all of the information. The videos were very informative and packed full of helpful information and tips. I felt very empowered after each class and confident that I could make decisions for myself and my baby, not just be a good patient who must listen to the hospital staff.”

"I'm so grateful for this class and the confidence it gave us to stick up for ourselves, not only in labor but especially in the first 24 hours after birth in the hospital."

“We were so prepared for everything that came our way in labor and delivery as she did not tolerate labor well and was born via cesarean with an amazing care team and so much love surrounding us because we were prepared for all things. I felt empowered and strong through all of her birth. My affirmation the whole pregnancy since class was "I am looking forward to giving birth" and I got to live that out! I truly feel like we got to come out with a positive birth story because of the class and everything we learned to be prepared.” 

A woman labors in a large white tub. Her partner kneels in front of her and strokes her face in a loving and supportive way.

What you’ll learn…

Evidence Based Birth® has created an in-depth and informative curriculum that includes just about everything you want or need to know about childbirth. The class is designed to take place from the comfort of your home. By the end of this class, you should feel confident in your ability to embrace your birth experience with knowledge and power!

Your class includes 5 weeks of online videos to be watched from the comfort of your home, weekly mentorship from Anna (your Evidence Based Birth® Instructor and experienced birth worker), a physical work book, and the opportunity to connect with other expecting families.

Content includes:

  • Evidence Based Care: What is it? & How to get it?

  • Comfort Measures

  • Partner Involvement

  • Advocacy in the birth space

  • Know your Rights

  • Interventions

  • Birth Plans

  • Postpartum Preparation

BONUS content:

  • Breast/Chestfeeding education

  • Newborn Care Videos: Bathing, Diapering, Soothing, Sleep, and more!

Class length: This is an accelerated class, so we will cover 6 weeks of material in 4 weeks. Classes 1 and 4 will be approximately 2 hours in length. Classes 2 and 3 will be 1-1.5 hours in length.

At a birth center, a couple lies next to each other on a bed and stares down at their newborn baby.

Audits and scholarships:

  • Scholarships based on financial need are upon request. Please reach out for more information.

  • Birth workers can audit the class upon request. Please email for more information.

  • Discounts are available to existing doula clients.

Inclusion Policy:

Evidence Based Birth® is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for pregnant persons of any age, religion, race, sexual identity, gender identity, or relationship status. This class is a safe space for people of any gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, or class. Harmful language or behavior will not be tolerated.

Refund policy:

Your payment reserves a spot in the class and is non-refundable, but tickets are transferable with adequate notice and approval from Anna.

During a moment of intensity and emotion, a laboring woman and her partner embrace while she is laboring in a hospital bed.

Sign Up for your class now.


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